How To Cope With Throat Phlegm In Newborns How Can I Cope With People Smoking In My Workplace?

How can I cope with people smoking in my workplace? - how to cope with throat phlegm in newborns

Smoking is prohibited in my work and my colleagues are heavy smokers. I am very concerned, but to talk and ask, who do not work. I can not move me, ask them to smoke outside, nothing. I can not wear a mask, but you have other suggestions for me?

My main problems are:
- Dry throat
- The smell in your clothes
- Eye pain
- Other things to secondhand smoke

Tell me everything would be what you get, I try. Eye drops, chewing gum, a desk fan?

PS: This question is not a place for smokers trying to be funny.


Douglas B said...

Try to join them. In addition, you can not. Smokers pay more in taxes than almost everyone. You have the right to do so. How to sprinkle the dry throat, a chewing gum with cinnamon. Burning eyes, Visine.

Infrequent Chinese Movie Watcher said...

I can not believe that his company's policy allowing smoking in the office! This is not only their health colleagues, unsafe working conditions to impose on you. Since not worry about this even after a conversation with them, I think this is not the place for you to work. You do not want to continue working with people too selfish and inconsiderate. In the interest of your health, quit your job! I can not imagine how you can take all day and every day! I can not even stand for a minute - I prefer it to nip a smoke!

kyukyu99 said...

I can not believe you ask them not to work. I am a smoker, and he wanted to smoke around people when they asked me not! What people rude and inconsiderate to work :-(.

A table fan you are likely to dry out. Can something like a humidifier and an air purifier? I assume you have a closed office, but as something that can help your immediate surroundings. You can get a personal air purifier for about $ 40 or so ... Look at Target. Humidifiers and help your neck and eyes a little. In addition, a few drops, but it should not be done. And I suppose that human resources that can help you? Uf, which is serious.

I wish him good luck!

poppafra... said...

Before the trip his job. See how many smokers are not at work. If there is a lot to make a map to see a ban of smoking or have designated smoking.
Then sign up and take the management or supervision. Check your town or city restrictions on smoking in the workplace. Then, if all else fails, look for another job and make it clear to your employer and clearly the reason for leaving your job.

♥ JustAChick ♥ said...

What kind of place where you work, that people smoke? (Office, bar, factory?)

If there is no way to move away from the smoker and his personal space, you may unfortunately have to decide whether your health is more important than his work. While the drop and relax, you can help your small problems, their lungs can not escape the effects of secondhand smoke.

Charles & Elizabeth C said...

Ashtrays are actually more expensive than inhaled smoke and release clean air. You can ask their employees and others a fund to buy more of them. Able depending on the number of smokers, you do not have enough money for each of them, but something is better than nothing.

lovelala said...

Go to deport all the windows, jet or part of a Yankee Candle lighting on your desk, it will make uncomfortable or not like you they feel like if I say Parfum Spray as necessary for this, what used to be impolite. or go to his boss in New York banned smoking in any building. if u live in Ban in New York.
ggod luck

lovelala said...

Go to deport all the windows, jet or part of a Yankee Candle lighting on your desk, it will make uncomfortable or not like you they feel like if I say Parfum Spray as necessary for this, what used to be impolite. or go to his boss in New York banned smoking in any building. if u live in Ban in New York.
ggod luck

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