Pericles Praises Athens For Her Form Of Government - Democracy Help With Pericles Funeral Oration.?

Help with Pericles Funeral oration.? - pericles praises athens for her form of government - democracy

I have these questions about the grave issue of Pericles, and I have no idea about this .... this is not my line, I'm more into science than history!
1. This served as the Pericles of Athens Grande?
2. As the Athens of Pericles states in another city?
3. What are the most important virtues, Pericles praises Athens as property?
4. What he says is the true role of women?
5. What a difference from Athens and Sparta, the Athenians and Spartans?
6. What problems do you see in the description of Pericles in Athens?
7. Pericles, poverty is considered a disgrace?
8. What is a credit to the citizens, according to Pericles?
I know it's boring, but the answers are very appriceated.



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